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CFL's Thanksgiving Feast TOMORROW November 17th- NO SCHOOL FOR CFL ONLY

CFL's Thanksgiving Feast TOMORROW November 17th- NO SCHOOL FOR CFL ONLY

CFL families, please join us for CFL's Thanksgiving Feast, TOMORROW, November 17th. Please remember there is NO SCHOOL for CFL students (PK-1) on this day. The feast will take place at CFL from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. 


Familias de CFL, únase a nosotros para la Fiesta de Acción de Gracias de CFL MAÑANA el 17 de noviembre. Recuerde que NO HAY ESCUELA para estudiantes de CFL (PK-1) en este día. La fiesta se llevará a cabo en CFL de 11:00 am a 1:00 pm.

Thanksgiving Feast Friday, November 17th. 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. It's potluck. There is no school for CFL only
  • CFL